Webdav Account Free

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  1. Free Webdav Server
  2. Webdav Download
  3. Webdav Sync Client
  4. Free Webdav Client Windows 10

A storage provider is a destination or a target for your backup data. This could be a local files or folder, a networked storage device, or a cloud storage provider. Duplicati supports many storage providers, both standard protocols and a wide range of proprietary cloud storage solutions. You can configure how each storage provider is used with its own set of options.

Free Webdav Server

100% Risk Free, No Obligation Cloud Storage without Cloud Storage DropDAV lets you access your Dropbox or Box.com files over the WebDAV protocol, without installing the Dropbox or Box.com app. It's really easy, and usually takes just 1 step. On the New site node, select WebDAV protocol and TLS/SSL Implicit encryption. Enter d.docs.live.net into the Host name box. Enter your Microsoft account username/email into the User name box. Password: If you do not have 'Two-step verification' enabled for your Microsoft Account, enter your Microsoft account password into the Password box.

When configuring a backup, the storage URL parameter determines which storage provider will be used. Each storage provider has a different URL format which can be used along with the documented options below.

Local folder or drive¶

This backend can be used to read and write data to the local file system. You can also connect to network filesystem via SMB/NFS.

URL Format:

file://hostname/folder%20for%20backupfile://serverfolder%20for%20backup (UNC path)'C:folder for backup'file://c:folder%20for%20backup (Windows)file:///usr/pub/folder%20for%20backup (Linux)

In order to specify network filesystem that is not mounted into your local filesystem click on Manually type path option which allows you to specify the Folder path directly in the following format:


For example:

You can then also specify the Username and password (if required).


  • --auth-passwordThe password used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_PASSWORD.
  • --auth-usernameThe username used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_USERNAME.
  • --alternate-destination-markerThis option only works when the --alternate-target-paths option is also specified. If there are alternate paths specified, this option indicates the name of a marker file that must be present in the folder. This can be used to handle situations where an external drive changes drive letter or mount point. By ensuring that a certain file exists, it is possible to prevent writing data to an unwanted external drive. The contents of the file are never examined, only file existence.
  • --alternate-target-pathsThis option allows multiple targets to be specified. The primary target path is placed before the list of paths supplied with this option. Before starting the backup, each folder in the list is checked for existence and optionally the presence of the marker file supplied by --alternate-destination-marker. The first existing path that optionally contains the marker file is then used as the destination. Multiple destinations are separated with a ';'. On Windows, the path may be a UNC path, and the drive letter may be substituted with an asterisk (*), eg.: ' *:backup ', which will examine all drive letters. If a username and password is supplied, the same credentials are used for all destinations.
  • --use-move-for-putWhen storing the file, the standard operation is to copy the file and delete the original. This sequence ensures that the operation can be retried if something goes wrong. Activating this option may cause the retry operation to fail. This option has no effect unless the --disable-streaming-transfers options is activated.
  • --force-smb-authenticationIf this option is set, any existing authentication against the remote share is dropped before attempting to authenticate.


This provider uses FTP servers to store backups.

URL Format:



  • --ftp-passive = falseIf this flag is set, the FTP connection is made in passive mode, which works better with some firewalls. If the ftp-regular flag is also set, this flag is ignored.
  • --ftp-regular = trueIf this flag is set, the FTP connection is made in active mode. Even if the ftp-passive flag is also set, the connection will be made in active mode.
  • --auth-passwordThe password used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_PASSWORD.
  • --auth-usernameThe username used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_USERNAME.
  • --use-sslUse this flag to communicate using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) over ftp (ftps).
  • --disable-upload-verifyTo protect against network failures, every upload will be attempted verified. Use this option to disable this verification to make the upload faster but less reliable.

FTP (Alternative)¶

This backend can read and write data to an FTP based backend using an alternative FTP client.

URL Format:



  • --auth-password (Password)Supplies the password used to connect to the serverThe password used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_PASSWORD.
  • --auth-username (String)Supplies the username used to connect to the serverThe username used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_USERNAME.
  • --disable-upload-verify (Boolean)Disable upload verification.To protect against network or server failures, every upload will be attempted to be verified. Use this option to disable this verification to make the upload faster but less reliable.
  • --aftp-data-connection-type (Enumeration)Configure the FTP data connection type.If this flag is set, the FTP data connection type will be changed to the selected option.Values: AutoPassive, PASV, PASVEX,EPSV, AutoActive, PORT,EPRTDefault value: AutoPassive
  • --aftp-encryption-mode (Enumeration)Configure the FTP encryption mode.If this flag is set, the FTP encryption mode will be changed to the selected option.Values: None, Implicit, ExplicitDefault value: None
  • --aftp-ssl-protocols (Flags)Configure the SSL policy to use when encryption is enabled.This flag controls the SSL policy to use when encryption is enabled.Values: None, Ssl2, Ssl3, Tls, Default, Tls11, Tls12Default value: Default

OpenStack Object Storage / Swift¶

This backend can read and write data to Swift (OpenStack Object Storage).

URL Format:



  • --auth-username (String)Supplies the username used to connect to the server.The username used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_USERNAME.
  • --auth-password (Password)Supplies the password used to connect to the server.The password used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_PASSWORD. If the password is supplied,--openstack-tenant-name must also be set.
  • --openstack-tenant-name (String)Supplies the Tenant Name used to connect to the server.The Tenant Name is commonly the paying user account name. This option must be supplied when authenticating with a password, but is not required when using an API key.
  • --openstack-apikey (Password)Supplies the API key used to connect to the server.The API key can be used to connect without supplying a password and tenant ID with some providers.
  • --openstack-authuri (String)Supplies the authentication URL.The authentication URL is used to authenticate the user and find the storage service. The URL commonly ends with '/v2.0'. Known providers are:
    • Rackspace US: https://identity.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2.0
    • Rackspace UK: https://lon.identity.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2.0
    • OVH Cloud Storage: https://auth.cloud.ovh.net/v2.0
    • Selectel Cloud Storage: https://auth.selcdn.ru
  • --openstack-region (String)Supplies the region used for creating a container.This option is only used when creating a container, and is used to indicate where the container should be placed.Consult your provider for a list of valid regions, or leave empty for the default region.

S3 Compatible¶

Duplicati can use S3-compatible servers to store backups.

URL Format:



  • --aws_secret_access_keyThe AWS 'Secret Access Key' can be obtained after logging into your AWS account, this can also be supplied through the auth-password property.
  • --aws_access_key_idThe AWS 'Access Key ID' can be obtained after logging into your AWS account, this can also be supplied through the auth-username property.
  • --s3-european-buckets = falseThis flag is only used when creating new buckets. If the flag is set, the bucket is created on a European server.This flag forces the s3-use-new-style flag. Amazon charges slightly more for European buckets.
  • --s3-use-rrs = falseThis flag toggles the use of the special RRS header. Files stored using RRS are more likely to disappear than those stored normally, but also costs less to store. See the full description here:http://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2010/05/19/announcing-amazon-s3-reduced-redundancy-storage/
  • --s3-storage-classUse this option to specify a storage class. If this option is not used, the server will choose a default storage class.
  • --s3-server-name = s3.amazonaws.com Companies other than Amazon are now supporting the S3 API, meaning that this backend can read and write data to those providers as well. Use this option to set the hostname. Currently known providers are:
    • Amazon S3: s3.amazonaws.com
    • Hosteurope: cs.hosteurope.de
    • Dunkel: dcs.dunkel.de
    • DreamHost: objects.dreamhost.com
    • dinCloud - Chicago: d3-ord.dincloud.com
    • dinCloud - Los Angeles: d3-lax.dincloud.com
    • IBM COS (S3) Public US: s3-api.us-geo.objectstorage.softlayer.net
    • Wasabi Hot Storage: s3.wasabisys.com<
  • --s3-location-constraintThis option is only used when creating new buckets. Use this option to change what region the data is stored in.Amazon charges slightly more for non-US buckets. Known bucket locations:
    • (default):
    • Europe (EU): EU
    • Europe (EU, Frankfurt): eu-central-1
    • Europe (EU, Ireland): eu-west-1
    • Europe (EU, London): eu-west-2
    • US East (Northern Virginia): us-east-1
    • US East (Ohio): us-east-2
    • US West (Northern California): us-west-1
    • US West (Oregon): us-west-2
    • Canada (Central): ca-central-1
    • Asia Pacific (Mumbai): ap-south-1
    • Asia Pacific (Singapore): ap-southeast-1
    • Asia Pacific (Sydney): ap-southeast-2
    • Asia Pacific (Tokyo): ap-northeast-1
    • Asia Pacific (Seoul): ap-northeast-2
    • South America (São Paulo): sa-east-1
  • --use-sslUse this flag to communicate using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) over http (https). Note that bucket names containing a period has problems with SSL connections.
  • --auth-passwordThe password used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_PASSWORD.
  • --auth-usernameThe username used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_USERNAME.
  • --s3-ext-forcepathstyle = FalseExtended option ForcePathStyle
  • --s3-ext-useaccelerateendpoint = FalseExtended option UseAccelerateEndpoint
  • --s3-ext-signaturemethod = HmacSHA256Extended option SignatureMethod
  • --s3-ext-signatureversion = 4Extended option SignatureVersion
  • --s3-ext-serviceurlExtended option ServiceURL
  • --s3-ext-usehttp = FalseExtended option UseHttp
  • --s3-ext-authenticationregionExtended option AuthenticationRegion
  • --s3-ext-authenticationservicename = s3Extended option AuthenticationServiceName
  • --s3-ext-maxerrorretry = 4Extended option MaxErrorRetry
  • --s3-ext-logresponse = FalseExtended option LogResponse
  • --s3-ext-readentireresponse = FalseExtended option ReadEntireResponse
  • --s3-ext-buffersize = 8192Extended option BufferSize
  • --s3-ext-progressupdateinterval = 102400Extended option ProgressUpdateInterval
  • --s3-ext-resignretries = FalseExtended option ResignRetries
  • --s3-ext-allowautoredirect = FalseExtended option AllowAutoRedirect
  • --s3-ext-logmetrics = FalseExtended option LogMetrics
  • --s3-ext-disablelogging = FalseExtended option DisableLogging
  • --s3-ext-usedualstackendpoint = FalseExtended option UseDualstackEndpoint
  • --s3-ext-throttleretries = TrueExtended option ThrottleRetries
  • --s3-ext-proxyhostExtended option ProxyHost
  • --s3-ext-proxyport = 0Extended option ProxyPort
  • --s3-ext-proxybypassonlocal = FalseExtended option ProxyBypassOnLocal
  • --s3-ext-maxidletime = 50000Extended option MaxIdleTime
  • --s3-ext-connectionlimit = 50Extended option ConnectionLimit
  • --s3-ext-usenaglealgorithm = FalseExtended option UseNagleAlgorithm


Duplicati can use SSH servers to store backups.

URL Format:



  • --auth-passwordThe password used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_PASSWORD.
  • --auth-usernameThe username used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_USERNAME.
  • --ssh-fingerprintThe server fingerprint used for validation of server identity. Format is eg. ssh-rsa 4096 11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:00:11:22:33:44:55:66.
  • --ssh-accept-any-fingerprintsTo guard against man-in-the-middle attacks, the server fingerprint is verified on connection. Use this option to disable host-key fingerprint verification. You should only use this option for testing.
  • --ssh-keyfilePoints to a valid OpenSSH keyfile. If the file is encrypted, the password supplied is used to decrypt the keyfile.If this option is supplied, the password is not used to authenticate. This option only works when using the managed SSH client.
  • --ssh-keyAn url-encoded SSH private key. The private key must be prefixed with sshkey://. If the file is encrypted, the password supplied is used to decrypt the keyfile. If this option is supplied, the password is not used to authenticate. This option only works when using the managed SSH client.
  • --ssh-operation-timeout = 0Use this option to manage the internal timeout for SSH operations. If this options is set to zero, the operations will not time out
  • --ssh-keepalive = 0This option can be used to enable the keep-alive interval for the SSH connection. If the connection is idle, aggressive firewalls might close the connection. Using keep-alive will keep the connection open in this scenario. If this value is set to zero, the keep-alive is disabled.


Duplicati can use WebDAV servers to store backups.

URL Format:



  • --auth-passwordThe password used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable 'AUTH_PASSWORD'.
  • --auth-usernameThe username used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable 'AUTH_USERNAME'.
  • --azure_blob_container_name (String)The name of the storage container.All files will be written to the container specified.
  • --integrated-authenticationIf the server and client both supports integrated authentication, this option enables that authentication method. This is likely only available with windows servers and clients.
  • --force-digest-authenticationUsing the HTTP Digest authentication method allows the user to authenticate with the server, without sending the password in clear. However, a man-in-the-middle attack is easy, because the HTTP protocol specifies a fallback to Basic authentication, which will make the client send the password to the attacker. Using this flag, the client does not accept this, and always uses Digest authentication or fails to connect.
  • --use-sslUse this flag to communicate using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) over http (https).
  • --debug-propfind-fileTo aid in debugging issues, it is possible to set a path to a file that will be overwritten with the PROPFIND response

Amazon Cloud Drive¶

This backend can read and write data to Amazon Cloud Drive.

URL Format:



  • --authid (Password)The authorization code.The authorization token retrieved from https://duplicati-oauth-handler.appspot.com?type=amzcd
  • --amzcd-labels (String)The labels to set.Use this option to set labels on the files and folders createdDefault value: duplicati,backup
  • --amzcd-consistency-delay (Timespan)The consistency delay.Amazon Cloud drive needs a small delay for results to stay consistent.Default value: 15s

Azure blob¶

This backend can read and write data to Azure blob storage. To configure this backend you must create a storage account in the Azure Portal and get an access key by going to Settings > Access keys on the storage account details page. The configuration options can either be provided as part of the URL or as separate parameters. If both are provided, the URL parameters will take precedence.

URL Format:



  • --azure_account_name (String)The storage account name.The name of the Azure storage account to connect to. This parameter will be ignored if the name is specified in the URL.
  • --azure_access_key (Password)The storage account access key.The access key used to authenticate calls to the Azure storage account. This parameter will be ignored in the access key is specified in the URL.
  • --auth-username (String)The storage account name.An alternative parameter for specifying the storage account name. This parameter will be ignored if the name is specified in the URL or the --azure_account_name parameter is provided. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_USERNAME.
  • --auth-password (Password)The storage account access key.An alternative parametyr for specifying the storage account access key. This parameter will be ignored if the access key is specified in the URL or the --azure_access_key parameter is provided. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_PASSWORD.

B2 Cloud Storage¶

This backend can read and write data to the Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage.

URL Format:



  • --b2-accountid (String)The 'B2 Cloud Storage Account ID'.The 'B2 Cloud Storage Account ID' can be obtained after logging into your Backblaze account, this can also be supplied through the auth-username property.Aliases: --auth-password
  • --b2-applicationkey (Password)The 'B2 Cloud Storage Application Key' can be obtained after logging into your Backblaze account, this can also be supplied through the auth-password property.The 'B2 Cloud Storage Application Key'.Aliases: --auth-username
  • --auth-password (Password)Supplies the password used to connect to the server.The password used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_PASSWORD.
  • --auth-username (String)Supplies the username used to connect to the server.The username used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_USERNAME.
  • --b2-create-bucket-type (String)The bucket type used when creating a bucket.By default, a private bucket is created. Use this option to set the bucket type. Refer to the B2 documentation for allowed types.Default value: allPrivate
  • --b2-page-size (Integer)The size of file-listing pages.Use this option to set the page size for listing contents of B2 buckets. A lower number means less data, but can increase the number of Class C transaction on B2. Suggested values are between 100 and 1000Default value: 500


This backend can read and write data to Box.com.

URL Format:



  • --authid (Password)The authorization code.The authorization token retrieved from https://duplicati-oauth-handler.appspot.com?type=box.com
  • --box-delete-from-trash (Boolean)Force delete files.After deleting a file, it may end up in the trash folder where it will be deleted after a grace period. Use this command to force immediate removal of delete files.


This backend can read and write data to Dropbox.

URL Format:



  • --authid (Password)The authorization code.The authorization token retrieved from https://duplicati-oauth-handler.appspot.com?type=dropbox

Google Cloud Storage¶

This backend can read and write data to Google Cloud Storage.

URL Format:



  • --gcs-location (String)Specifies location option for creating a bucket.This option is only used when creating new buckets. Use this option to change what region the data is stored in.Charges vary with bucket location. Known bucket locations:
    • (default):
    • Europe: EU
    • United States: US
    • Asia: ASIA
    • Eastern Asia-Pacific: ASIA-EAST1
    • Central United States 1: US-CENTRAL1
    • Central United States 2: US-CENTRAL2
    • Eastern United States 1: US-EAST1
    • Eastern United States 2: US-EAST2
    • Eastern United States 3: US-EAST3
    • estern United States: US-WEST1
  • --gcs-storage-class (String)Specifies storage class for creating a bucket.This option is only used when creating new buckets. Use this option to change what storage type the bucket has.Charges and functionality vary with bucket storage class. Known storage classes:
    • (default):
    • Standard: STANDARD
    • Durable Reduced Availability (DRA): DURABLE_REDUCED_AVAILABILITY
    • Nearline: NEARLINE
  • --authid (Password)The authorization code.The authorization token retrieved from https://duplicati-oauth-handler.appspot.com?type=gcs
  • --gcs-project (String)Specifies project for creating a bucket.This option is only used when creating new buckets. Use this option to supply the project ID that the bucket is attached to. The project determines where usage charges are applied.

Google Drive¶

This backend can read and write data to Google Drive.

URL Format:



  • --authid (Password)The authorization code.The authorization token retrieved from https://duplicati-oauth-handler.appspot.com?type=googledrive


This backend can read and write data to HubiC.

URL Format:



  • --authid (Password)The authorization code.The authorization token retrieved from https://duplicati-oauth-handler.appspot.com?type=hubic


This backend can read and write data to Jottacloud using it's REST protocol.

URL Format:



  • --auth-password (Password)Supplies the password used to connect to the server.The password used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_PASSWORD.
  • --auth-username (String)Supplies the username used to connect to the server.The username used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_USERNAME.
  • --jottacloud-device (String)Supplies the backup device to use.The backup device to use. Will be created if not already exists. You can manage your devices from the backup panel in the Jottacloud web interface. When you specify a custom device you should also specify the mount point to use on this device with the jottacloud-mountpoint option.
  • --jottacloud-mountpoint (String)Supplies the mount point to use on the server.The mount point to use on the server. The default is Archive for using the built-in archive mount point. Set this option to Sync to use the built-in synchronization mount point instead, or if you have specified a custom device with option jottacloud-device you are free to name the mount point as you like.


This backend can read and write data to Mega.co.nz.

URL Format:



  • --auth-password (Password)Supplies the password used to connect to the server.The password used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_PASSWORD.
  • --auth-username (String)Supplies the username used to connect to the server.The username used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_USERNAME.

Microsoft Office 365 Group (Microsoft Graph API)¶

Webdav Download

Specifying the group's email address when using this backend requires the Group.Read.All permission scope in the Microsoft Graph APIs. These permissions require admin consent to enable.You can use this backend without this permission by using an AuthID generated for the SharePoint v2 backend and passing the --group-id instead of --group-email. You can lookup the group ID by using the Microsoft Graph Explorer.

This backend can store backups in the document library associated with a Microsoft Office 365 Group.

URL Format:



  • --authid (Password)The authorization token retrieved from https://duplicati-oauth-handler.appspot.com?type=msgroup
  • --group-email (String)Email address of the group to store data in, for example: test@example.com.Either this parameter or --group-id is required.When this parameter is specified, the group's ID is looked up automatically.
  • --group-id (String)ID of the group to store data in.Either this parameter or --group-email is required.This ID can be looked up by querying in the Microsoft Graph Explorer.
  • --fragment-size (Integer)Size of individual fragments which are uploaded separately for large files.It is recommended to be between 5-10 MiB (though a smaller value may work better on a slower or less reliable connection), and to be a multiple of 320 KiB.Default value: 10 MiB
  • --fragment-retry-count (Integer)Number of retry attempts made for each fragment before failing the overall file upload.Default value: 5
  • --fragment-retry-delay (Integer)Amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait between failures when uploading fragments.Default value: 1000

Microsoft SharePoint v2 (Microsoft Graph API)¶

This backend can store backups in SharePoint sites via the Microsoft Graph API.

URL Format:


Webdav Account Free

A double slash, //, can optionally be used in the path to provide a hint to the location of the split between the site's base web address and the document library path.

Additionally, if the ID of the site is known (e.g., by discovering it in the Microsoft Graph Explorer), it can be explicitly specified via the --site-id parameter, and the URL can be given with just the relative path within the document library:

Webdav Sync Client



  • --authid (Password)The authorization token retrieved from https://duplicati-oauth-handler.appspot.com?type=sharepoint
  • --site-id (String)ID of the SharePoint site to store data in.This parameter is required when using the relative document library path (without specifying the SharePoint site's web address).This ID can be looked up by querying in the Microsoft Graph Explorer.When the SharePoint site's full web address is provided, it is looked up automatically.
  • --fragment-size (Integer)Size of individual fragments which are uploaded separately for large files.It is recommended to be between 5-10 MiB (though a smaller value may work better on a slower or less reliable connection), and to be a multiple of 320 KiB.Default value: 10 MiB
  • --fragment-retry-count (Integer)Number of retry attempts made for each fragment before failing the overall file upload.Default value: 5
  • --fragment-retry-delay (Integer)Amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait between failures when uploading fragments.Default value: 1000

Microsoft SharePoint (Microsoft.SharePoint.Client API)¶

This backend is based on the Microsoft.SharePoint.Client library, and doesn't support features like OAuth or two-factor authentication (2FA). The Microsoft SharePoint v2 backend supports these features.

Supports connections to a SharePoint server (including OneDrive for Business).

URL Format:


Use a double slash '//' in the path to denote the web from the documents library.


Free Webdav Client Windows 10

  • --auth-password (Password)Supplies the password used to connect to the server.The password used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_PASSWORD.
  • --auth-username (String)Supplies the username used to connect to the server.The username used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_USERNAME.
  • --integrated-authentication (Boolean)Use windows integrated authentication to connect to the server.If the server and client both supports integrated authentication, this option enables that authentication method.This is likely only available with windows servers and clients.
  • --delete-to-recycler (Boolean)Move deleted files to the recycle bin.Use this option to have files moved to the recycle bin folder instead of removing them permanently when compacting or deleting backups.
  • --binary-direct-mode (Boolean)Upload files using binary direct mode.Use this option to upload files to SharePoint as a whole with BinaryDirect mode. This is the most efficient way of uploading, but can cause non-recoverable timeouts under certain conditions. Use this option only with very fast and stable internet connections.Default value: false
  • --web-timeout (Timespan)Set timeout for SharePoint web operations.Use this option to specify a custom value for timeouts of web operation when communicating with SharePoint Server.Recommended value is 180s.
  • --chunk-size (Size)Set block size for chunked uploads to SharePoint.Use this option to specify the size of each chunk when uploading to SharePoint Server. Recommended value is 4MB.Default value: 4mb

Microsoft OneDrive v2 (Microsoft Graph API)¶

This backend can store backups in both OneDrive and OneDrive for Business via the Microsoft Graph API.

URL Format:



  • --authid (Password)The authorization token retrieved from https://duplicati-oauth-handler.appspot.com?type=onedrivev2
  • --fragment-size (Integer)Size of individual fragments which are uploaded separately for large files.It is recommended to be between 5-10 MiB (though a smaller value may work better on a slower or less reliable connection), and to be a multiple of 320 KiB.Default value: 10 MiB
  • --fragment-retry-count (Integer)Number of retry attempts made for each fragment before failing the overall file upload.Default value: 5
  • --fragment-retry-delay (Integer)Amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait between failures when uploading fragments.Default value: 1000

Microsoft OneDrive (LiveConnect API)¶

The LiveConnect API this backend is based on is deprecated and will be disabled on November 1st, 2018. New backups to OneDrive should be created using the OneDrive v2 backend based on the Microsoft Graph API, and existing backups should be migrated.

Duplicati can use Microsoft OneDrive to store backups.

URL Format:



  • --authid (Password)The authorization token retrieved from https://duplicati-oauth-handler.appspot.com?type=onedrive

Microsoft OneDrive for Business (Microsoft.SharePoint.Client API)¶

This backend is based on the Microsoft.SharePoint.Client library, and doesn't support features like OAuth or two-factor authentication (2FA). The Microsoft OneDrive v2 backend supports these features, and is also compatible with OneDrive for Business.

Supports connections to Microsoft OneDrive for Business.

URL Format:


You can use a double slash '//' in the path to denote the base path from the documents folder.


  • --auth-password (Password)Supplies the password used to connect to the server.The password used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_PASSWORD.
  • --auth-username (String)Supplies the username used to connect to the server.The username used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_USERNAME.
  • --integrated-authentication (Boolean)Use windows integrated authentication to connect to the server.If the server and client both supports integrated authentication, this option enables that authentication method.This is likely only available with windows servers and clients.
  • --delete-to-recycler (Boolean)Move deleted files to the recycle bin.Use this option to have files moved to the recycle bin folder instead of removing them permanently when compacting or deleting backups.
  • --binary-direct-mode (Boolean)Upload files using binary direct mode.Use this option to upload files to SharePoint as a whole with BinaryDirect mode. This is the most efficient way of uploading, but can cause non-recoverable timeouts under certain conditions. Use this option only with very fast and stable internet connections.Default value: false
  • --web-timeout (Timespan)Set timeout for SharePoint web operations.Use this option to specify a custom value for timeouts of web operation when communicating with SharePoint Server.Recommended value is 180s.
  • --chunk-size (Size)Set block size for chunked uploads to SharePoint.Use this option to specify the size of each chunk when uploading to SharePoint Server. Recommended value is 4MB.Default value: 4mb

Rackspace Cloudfiles¶

Supports connections to the CloudFiles backend.

URL Format:



  • --auth-password (Password)Supplies the password used to connect to the server.The password used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_PASSWORD.
  • --auth-username (String)Supplies the username used to connect to the server.The username used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_USERNAME.
  • --cloudfiles-username (String)Supplies the username used to authenticate with CloudFiles.Aliases: `--auth-username
  • --cloudfiles-accesskey (Password)Supplies the access key used to connect to the server.Supplies the API Access Key used to authenticate with CloudFiles.Aliases: --auth-password
  • --cloudfiles-uk-account (Boolean)Use a UK account.Duplicati will assume that the credentials given are for a US account, use this option if the account is a UK based account. Note that this is equivalent to setting --cloudfiles-authentication-url=https://lon.auth.api.rackspacecloud.com/v1.0.
  • --cloudfiles-authentication-url (String)Provide another authentication URL.CloudFiles use different servers for authentication based on where the account resides, use this option to set an alternate authentication URL. This option overrides --cloudfiles-uk-account.Default value: https://identity.api.rackspacecloud.com/auth


This backend can read and write data to Rclone.

URL Format:



  • --rclone-local-repository (String)Local repository for Rclone. Make sure it is configured as a local drive, as it needs access to the files generated by Duplicati.Default value: local
  • --rclone-remote-repository (String)Remote repository for Rclone. This can be any of the backends provided by Rclone. More info available on https://rclone.org/.Default value: remote
  • --rclone-remote-path (String)Path on the Remote repository.Default value: backup
  • --rclone-option (String)Options will be transferred to rclone.
  • --rclone-executable (String)Full path to the rclone executable. Only needed if it's not in your path.Default value: rclone

Sia Decentralized Cloud¶

This backend can read and write data to Sia.


A double slash, //, can optionally be used in the path to provide a hint to the location of the split between the site's base web address and the document library path.

Additionally, if the ID of the site is known (e.g., by discovering it in the Microsoft Graph Explorer), it can be explicitly specified via the --site-id parameter, and the URL can be given with just the relative path within the document library:

Webdav Sync Client



  • --authid (Password)The authorization token retrieved from https://duplicati-oauth-handler.appspot.com?type=sharepoint
  • --site-id (String)ID of the SharePoint site to store data in.This parameter is required when using the relative document library path (without specifying the SharePoint site's web address).This ID can be looked up by querying in the Microsoft Graph Explorer.When the SharePoint site's full web address is provided, it is looked up automatically.
  • --fragment-size (Integer)Size of individual fragments which are uploaded separately for large files.It is recommended to be between 5-10 MiB (though a smaller value may work better on a slower or less reliable connection), and to be a multiple of 320 KiB.Default value: 10 MiB
  • --fragment-retry-count (Integer)Number of retry attempts made for each fragment before failing the overall file upload.Default value: 5
  • --fragment-retry-delay (Integer)Amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait between failures when uploading fragments.Default value: 1000

Microsoft SharePoint (Microsoft.SharePoint.Client API)¶

This backend is based on the Microsoft.SharePoint.Client library, and doesn't support features like OAuth or two-factor authentication (2FA). The Microsoft SharePoint v2 backend supports these features.

Supports connections to a SharePoint server (including OneDrive for Business).

URL Format:


Use a double slash '//' in the path to denote the web from the documents library.


Free Webdav Client Windows 10

  • --auth-password (Password)Supplies the password used to connect to the server.The password used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_PASSWORD.
  • --auth-username (String)Supplies the username used to connect to the server.The username used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_USERNAME.
  • --integrated-authentication (Boolean)Use windows integrated authentication to connect to the server.If the server and client both supports integrated authentication, this option enables that authentication method.This is likely only available with windows servers and clients.
  • --delete-to-recycler (Boolean)Move deleted files to the recycle bin.Use this option to have files moved to the recycle bin folder instead of removing them permanently when compacting or deleting backups.
  • --binary-direct-mode (Boolean)Upload files using binary direct mode.Use this option to upload files to SharePoint as a whole with BinaryDirect mode. This is the most efficient way of uploading, but can cause non-recoverable timeouts under certain conditions. Use this option only with very fast and stable internet connections.Default value: false
  • --web-timeout (Timespan)Set timeout for SharePoint web operations.Use this option to specify a custom value for timeouts of web operation when communicating with SharePoint Server.Recommended value is 180s.
  • --chunk-size (Size)Set block size for chunked uploads to SharePoint.Use this option to specify the size of each chunk when uploading to SharePoint Server. Recommended value is 4MB.Default value: 4mb

Microsoft OneDrive v2 (Microsoft Graph API)¶

This backend can store backups in both OneDrive and OneDrive for Business via the Microsoft Graph API.

URL Format:



  • --authid (Password)The authorization token retrieved from https://duplicati-oauth-handler.appspot.com?type=onedrivev2
  • --fragment-size (Integer)Size of individual fragments which are uploaded separately for large files.It is recommended to be between 5-10 MiB (though a smaller value may work better on a slower or less reliable connection), and to be a multiple of 320 KiB.Default value: 10 MiB
  • --fragment-retry-count (Integer)Number of retry attempts made for each fragment before failing the overall file upload.Default value: 5
  • --fragment-retry-delay (Integer)Amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait between failures when uploading fragments.Default value: 1000

Microsoft OneDrive (LiveConnect API)¶

The LiveConnect API this backend is based on is deprecated and will be disabled on November 1st, 2018. New backups to OneDrive should be created using the OneDrive v2 backend based on the Microsoft Graph API, and existing backups should be migrated.

Duplicati can use Microsoft OneDrive to store backups.

URL Format:



  • --authid (Password)The authorization token retrieved from https://duplicati-oauth-handler.appspot.com?type=onedrive

Microsoft OneDrive for Business (Microsoft.SharePoint.Client API)¶

This backend is based on the Microsoft.SharePoint.Client library, and doesn't support features like OAuth or two-factor authentication (2FA). The Microsoft OneDrive v2 backend supports these features, and is also compatible with OneDrive for Business.

Supports connections to Microsoft OneDrive for Business.

URL Format:


You can use a double slash '//' in the path to denote the base path from the documents folder.


  • --auth-password (Password)Supplies the password used to connect to the server.The password used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_PASSWORD.
  • --auth-username (String)Supplies the username used to connect to the server.The username used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_USERNAME.
  • --integrated-authentication (Boolean)Use windows integrated authentication to connect to the server.If the server and client both supports integrated authentication, this option enables that authentication method.This is likely only available with windows servers and clients.
  • --delete-to-recycler (Boolean)Move deleted files to the recycle bin.Use this option to have files moved to the recycle bin folder instead of removing them permanently when compacting or deleting backups.
  • --binary-direct-mode (Boolean)Upload files using binary direct mode.Use this option to upload files to SharePoint as a whole with BinaryDirect mode. This is the most efficient way of uploading, but can cause non-recoverable timeouts under certain conditions. Use this option only with very fast and stable internet connections.Default value: false
  • --web-timeout (Timespan)Set timeout for SharePoint web operations.Use this option to specify a custom value for timeouts of web operation when communicating with SharePoint Server.Recommended value is 180s.
  • --chunk-size (Size)Set block size for chunked uploads to SharePoint.Use this option to specify the size of each chunk when uploading to SharePoint Server. Recommended value is 4MB.Default value: 4mb

Rackspace Cloudfiles¶

Supports connections to the CloudFiles backend.

URL Format:



  • --auth-password (Password)Supplies the password used to connect to the server.The password used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_PASSWORD.
  • --auth-username (String)Supplies the username used to connect to the server.The username used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_USERNAME.
  • --cloudfiles-username (String)Supplies the username used to authenticate with CloudFiles.Aliases: `--auth-username
  • --cloudfiles-accesskey (Password)Supplies the access key used to connect to the server.Supplies the API Access Key used to authenticate with CloudFiles.Aliases: --auth-password
  • --cloudfiles-uk-account (Boolean)Use a UK account.Duplicati will assume that the credentials given are for a US account, use this option if the account is a UK based account. Note that this is equivalent to setting --cloudfiles-authentication-url=https://lon.auth.api.rackspacecloud.com/v1.0.
  • --cloudfiles-authentication-url (String)Provide another authentication URL.CloudFiles use different servers for authentication based on where the account resides, use this option to set an alternate authentication URL. This option overrides --cloudfiles-uk-account.Default value: https://identity.api.rackspacecloud.com/auth


This backend can read and write data to Rclone.

URL Format:



  • --rclone-local-repository (String)Local repository for Rclone. Make sure it is configured as a local drive, as it needs access to the files generated by Duplicati.Default value: local
  • --rclone-remote-repository (String)Remote repository for Rclone. This can be any of the backends provided by Rclone. More info available on https://rclone.org/.Default value: remote
  • --rclone-remote-path (String)Path on the Remote repository.Default value: backup
  • --rclone-option (String)Options will be transferred to rclone.
  • --rclone-executable (String)Full path to the rclone executable. Only needed if it's not in your path.Default value: rclone

Sia Decentralized Cloud¶

This backend can read and write data to Sia.

URL Format:



  • --sia-targetpath (String)Backup path.Target path, ie /backupDefault value: /backup
  • --sia-password (Password)Sia password
  • --sia-redundancy (String)Minimum value is 3.Default value: 1.5


Duplicati can use the TahoeLAFS to store backups.

URL Format:



  • --use-sslUse this flag to communicate using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) over http (https).

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